ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
The August 9, 2011 meeting minutes stand approved as presented.
It was moved by Steve and seconded by Leone and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Budget Update
County commissioners were made aware of volunteer hours for this past year. PILT money has been allocated to the library and this amount should reduce as property tax monies are received. The final budget equates to the requested amount.
Authorization of Separate Accounts for Donald W. Johnston and Library Depreciation Funds
It was moved by Leone and seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to separate the Donald W. Johnston funds and Library Depreciation funds from the general fund.
Library Sign/Building Repair Update/Backroom Shelving
Elton discussed the sign with Mike Mahoney whose concerns were why steel?
Also, style, and visibility against the fir tree in the background. Mike’s charge would be $1500 if he were to make the sign. Harlowtown High School has a computerized plasma cutter, which former student Logan Pierce is familiar with. The shop teacher is willing to allow use of the cutter in constructing the sign. Size of the sign will be 4x4 with brackets which can be screwed into posts allowing for removal if necessary. A box could be mounted below the sign with enclosed sliding letters making it wind-proof and tamper-proof. Thickness of the steel (1/4” versus 1/8”), paint versus natural, and height were discussed. Elton was asked to continue his work on the sign to include working on a Publisher document for the lettering and continuing coordination with Logan Pierce.
The need for an additional backroom shelving unit was presented. Elton was asked about his availability to construct the shelving since his expertise is woodworking.
Steve made a motion and Leone seconded and it was unanimously carried to hire Elton to build the backroom shelving.
New Business
Debbie will prepare a newspaper ad to recognize Rooney Construction and Tintina Resources, Inc. work on the library paint project, which the county will pay for.
Proper use of $1829 (less $56.27) library budget grant money was discussed.
It was moved by Leone and seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to use remaining grant money for books in general.
Dempsey’s trash is blowing through the outer back area of the library and onto the street. Gordon will speak with them about the situation.
The Meagher County Library Foundation endowment committee will meet to finish paperwork for 501c3 followed by prompt submission to the Internal Revenue Service.
Steve complimented Debbie’s work in the library in contrast to other libraries he has visited.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library. She showed the Disability Rights of Montana survey and gave a copy of the Secretary of State’s approval letter of the Meager County Library Foundation Articles of Incorporation and the Montana Department of Revenue’s tax id approval letter to each board member. She also informed the board of:
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for October 18, 2011 at the library.
There being no further library business to discuss, it was moved by Leone and seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
The August 9, 2011 meeting minutes stand approved as presented.
It was moved by Steve and seconded by Leone and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Budget Update
County commissioners were made aware of volunteer hours for this past year. PILT money has been allocated to the library and this amount should reduce as property tax monies are received. The final budget equates to the requested amount.
Authorization of Separate Accounts for Donald W. Johnston and Library Depreciation Funds
It was moved by Leone and seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to separate the Donald W. Johnston funds and Library Depreciation funds from the general fund.
Library Sign/Building Repair Update/Backroom Shelving
Elton discussed the sign with Mike Mahoney whose concerns were why steel?
Also, style, and visibility against the fir tree in the background. Mike’s charge would be $1500 if he were to make the sign. Harlowtown High School has a computerized plasma cutter, which former student Logan Pierce is familiar with. The shop teacher is willing to allow use of the cutter in constructing the sign. Size of the sign will be 4x4 with brackets which can be screwed into posts allowing for removal if necessary. A box could be mounted below the sign with enclosed sliding letters making it wind-proof and tamper-proof. Thickness of the steel (1/4” versus 1/8”), paint versus natural, and height were discussed. Elton was asked to continue his work on the sign to include working on a Publisher document for the lettering and continuing coordination with Logan Pierce.
The need for an additional backroom shelving unit was presented. Elton was asked about his availability to construct the shelving since his expertise is woodworking.
Steve made a motion and Leone seconded and it was unanimously carried to hire Elton to build the backroom shelving.
New Business
Debbie will prepare a newspaper ad to recognize Rooney Construction and Tintina Resources, Inc. work on the library paint project, which the county will pay for.
Proper use of $1829 (less $56.27) library budget grant money was discussed.
It was moved by Leone and seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to use remaining grant money for books in general.
Dempsey’s trash is blowing through the outer back area of the library and onto the street. Gordon will speak with them about the situation.
The Meagher County Library Foundation endowment committee will meet to finish paperwork for 501c3 followed by prompt submission to the Internal Revenue Service.
Steve complimented Debbie’s work in the library in contrast to other libraries he has visited.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library. She showed the Disability Rights of Montana survey and gave a copy of the Secretary of State’s approval letter of the Meager County Library Foundation Articles of Incorporation and the Montana Department of Revenue’s tax id approval letter to each board member. She also informed the board of:
- the September/October Library Circulation Desk Schedule and her upcoming vacation
- Jim Semmelroth’s action to shut down the port in an effort to prevent a new aggressive “Morto worm” virus from attacking the library network
- Raymond Saeman’s $100 cash donation to the Books for Babies program
- the Broad Valleys Federation teleconference on September 27, which Elton has agreed to attend in Debbie’s absence
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for October 18, 2011 at the library.
There being no further library business to discuss, it was moved by Leone and seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict