Library History
Meagher County City Library History from the 1930’s to the present
(Taken from a community meeting held at the Meagher County Senior Center on May 4, 2010 with additions from various sources.)
Meagher County City Library History from the 1930’s to the present
(Taken from a community meeting held at the Meagher County Senior Center on May 4, 2010 with additions from various sources.)
- We began as an “Apple Crate Library” started by the local O.D.O. club.
- The Bandel Shop (home to an automobile shop and a blacksmith shop at different times) was one of the first places to host the library.
- A small room in the north end of the building under the WPA Program in the mid 1930’s; the librarians were paid under the relief effort. Isobel Choquette was first librarian.
- About 5 years later the city of WSS stepped up to establish and move the library in 1940 to the Sherman Hotel (Higgins house). Isobel continued as the first librarian there with Martha Dunkel following. Again a very small place, just one room in the Sherman Hotel. The library stayed there approximately 19 years. By 1958 the library had begun to run out of space and had begun the search for a larger place to be able to expand and grow.
- Coad’s Grocery was the next library placement; which is right next to the Western Clothing Building which is now vacant. Reports included that the new location was spacious with adequate room for the long term. The library continued at this location for 10 years with Helen Driedlan as librarian.
- When the new city hall was built, the library moved into that building. This lasted approximately 22 years. Irene Teague was the librarian from 1971 until 1987. As early as 1986 the library and city were looking for a place to move the library, mostly due to space requirements with children’s programs being implemented.
- Effort made 4-5 years later moved the library into part of the old radio station building. Dedication of the building was held on Sunday, May 5th, 1991. The building was very spacious, at that time, and was thought to be able to last more than 20 years.
- There have been multiple library directors since then, including Tricia Browning. Debbie Benedict was the director from 2005 until 2013. Malvina Libman started in the spring of 2014 after several months of the library being run solely by the amazing Friends of the Library volunteers.
- Jessica Ketola was the director from August of 2014 through March of 2022.
- The capital campaign fundraising efforts for the new library building began in September of 2015.
- Chennell Berg hosted a huge Winter Gala fundraiser on January 15, 2016.
- Pre-construction contracts with Diamond Construction were signed and the new building design finalization began on January 12, 2018.
- The Grand Opening celebration for the new the building was on July 20, 2019!