MARCH 1, 2013
The Meagher County City Library operated this past year with one full-time Library Director, three short-term workers and volunteers.
Library Board Projects
Meagher County Library Foundation
New library planning continues. A checking and savings account was opened. A December newspaper article announced the Foundation to the public and outlined the donation process. A Foundation brochure was mailed to county residents. A preliminary architectural drawing was prepared pro-bono by Candace Miller. Discussion of the capital campaign fundraising program began.
A laptop was purchased for use by the Library Director.
Two new public-access PCs were purchased and a computer, donated to the library from Polson Public Library, was installed in library stacks area.
Alana Mueller-Brunckhorst served as web master making updates to the library’s website.
One-on-one training continues to familiarize patrons with MontanaLibrary2Go, statewide databases and delivery of material to Kindles and other devices.
Friends of the Library
Summer Reading
Forty-five children signed up for Dream Big, Read! The program was held on Thursday afternoons June 14 through July 26 and included night programming where children and adults experienced the Museum of the Rockies Star-Lab coordinated by Helen Hanson, Meredith Feddes and Julie Witt and paid for by Superintendent of Schools funding.
Library statistics for FY-2007 through FY-2012 are attached.
The Meagher County City Library continues to be blessed with a hard-working and dedicated library board, Friends of the Library, Library Foundation, loyal patrons and Montana State Library training/resource/staff assistance that together enable us to succeed in our mission to promote access to information, life-long learning, and the love of reading.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict, Library Director
Meagher County City Library
15 1st Avenue S.E., P. O. Box S
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645
[email protected]
Phone: 406-547-2250
Fax: 406-547-3691
MARCH 1, 2013
The Meagher County City Library operated this past year with one full-time Library Director, three short-term workers and volunteers.
Library Board Projects
- Installed an outdoor display case at the front entrance of the library.
- Purchased and mounted solar lights to the library sign.
- Coordinated removal and replacement of sidewalk.
- Coordinated with city officials the placement of a “no parking sign” on the street adjacent to the library to prevent library patrons from backing into parked vehicles.
- Performed HVAC repair and maintenance along with Larry Johnson.
Meagher County Library Foundation
New library planning continues. A checking and savings account was opened. A December newspaper article announced the Foundation to the public and outlined the donation process. A Foundation brochure was mailed to county residents. A preliminary architectural drawing was prepared pro-bono by Candace Miller. Discussion of the capital campaign fundraising program began.
A laptop was purchased for use by the Library Director.
Two new public-access PCs were purchased and a computer, donated to the library from Polson Public Library, was installed in library stacks area.
Alana Mueller-Brunckhorst served as web master making updates to the library’s website.
One-on-one training continues to familiarize patrons with MontanaLibrary2Go, statewide databases and delivery of material to Kindles and other devices.
Friends of the Library
- Sold Seeds for Reads (handmade seed packets filled with seed from local gardens) generating $177.00 and included packets being sold at Keller’s Garden & Florist in Harlowton.
- Sold handmade Christmas gift boxes and garden teacup birdseed planters generating $94.00.
- Linda Banks idea to set up a used book collection in the library lobby and book displays at local motels to allow perpetual purchase of books by the public has been an overwhelming success generating $384.00. (One motel guest woke up at 3 a.m. because he could not sleep, went down to the library lobby, purchased some books and relayed to the clerk the next morning how pleased he was to find used books available).
- Organized the December library book sale yielding sales of $858.00.
- Paid $200 of summer reading program costs.
- Mike and Melinda Vennard and Elton Lee constructed planter boxes. City of White Sulphur Springs paid for annual and perennial plants and Melinda donated soil, compost and shredded cedar mulch. Melinda watered and maintained plants throughout the summer months.
- Sandy Pritchard, Betsy Hamann and Linda Banks set up and manned a library information booth at the Community Expo.
- Sandy Pritchard, Fay Fuller, Mary Cunningham, Betsy Hamann and Cecelia Roma provided refreshments for summer reading night programs.
- Betsy Hamann assembled and mailed Chamber of Commerce tourist/relocation packets.
- Sponsored a paper cutout pumpkin decorating contest and Montana Treasure Hunt to celebrate Montana Library Week.
- Michael Vennard taught two “How Do I Start My Computer/What to do Next?” computer classes and an Ancestry genealogy class.
- Paid the annual subscription cost for Ancestry Genealogy database.
Summer Reading
Forty-five children signed up for Dream Big, Read! The program was held on Thursday afternoons June 14 through July 26 and included night programming where children and adults experienced the Museum of the Rockies Star-Lab coordinated by Helen Hanson, Meredith Feddes and Julie Witt and paid for by Superintendent of Schools funding.
- The library was a recipient of the Montana State Library/Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation Ready2Read PlaySpace Grant. The children’s area was rearranged to accommodate blocks and shelving being enjoyed by children of all ages (and their parents!)
- State Librarian Jennie Stapp and Sarah McHugh, Director of Statewide Library Resources visited the library in March.
- The library continues participating in the book courier delivery service using Lewis and Clark Library as its hub. Tim Benedict faithfully picks up and delivers books for the library and elementary/ high school.
- The library hosts the Books for Babies program each Wednesday morning and a weekly preschool story time.
Library statistics for FY-2007 through FY-2012 are attached.
The Meagher County City Library continues to be blessed with a hard-working and dedicated library board, Friends of the Library, Library Foundation, loyal patrons and Montana State Library training/resource/staff assistance that together enable us to succeed in our mission to promote access to information, life-long learning, and the love of reading.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict, Library Director
Meagher County City Library
15 1st Avenue S.E., P. O. Box S
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645
[email protected]
Phone: 406-547-2250
Fax: 406-547-3691