ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee,
Gretchen Rader
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to approve October 16, 2012 meeting minutes with the following correction: Steve Hicks was not present at the meeting.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve bills for payment.
Revenue for FY12/13
Leone explained a correction to the library budget involving city monies, PILT, and entitlement money. She will prepare a corrected revenue sheet.
Replacement of HVAC Filters
Debbie requested the HVAC filters be replaced. The roof filter was last checked May 2, 2012. The hallway filter was replaced by Steve February 17, 2012 while repairing the vent screen.
Holiday Closures
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to close the library November 23, 2012 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to close the library December 24, 2012 for the Christmas holiday.
Review Golden Rules for Board Members
Gretchen provided each with a copy of these rules which she received at a recent training session.
New Library Floor Plan
Elton expressed the need for a pragmatic architectural floor plan allowing the final result to be inspiring and practical. Steve and Elton are in agreement the new building be HVAC efficient and low maintenance. A committee could be elected to handle these concerns.
Snow Shoveling/Vacuum Repair
Debbie asked if there was someone handling snow shoveling. Alvin Kujath is responsible for both the courthouse and library. Debbie will talk with Dayna. Steve will be the contact for any vacuum issues.
Sidewalk Safety
There is a gap between the sidewalk and lawn which could cause a child/adult to fall. Steve agreed to apply filler.
Library Foundation Friends of the Library Representative
Elton agreed to replace Melinda as the Friends of the Library Representative on the Meagher County Library Foundation Board.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2012, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee,
Gretchen Rader
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to approve October 16, 2012 meeting minutes with the following correction: Steve Hicks was not present at the meeting.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve bills for payment.
Revenue for FY12/13
Leone explained a correction to the library budget involving city monies, PILT, and entitlement money. She will prepare a corrected revenue sheet.
Replacement of HVAC Filters
Debbie requested the HVAC filters be replaced. The roof filter was last checked May 2, 2012. The hallway filter was replaced by Steve February 17, 2012 while repairing the vent screen.
Holiday Closures
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to close the library November 23, 2012 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to close the library December 24, 2012 for the Christmas holiday.
Review Golden Rules for Board Members
Gretchen provided each with a copy of these rules which she received at a recent training session.
New Library Floor Plan
Elton expressed the need for a pragmatic architectural floor plan allowing the final result to be inspiring and practical. Steve and Elton are in agreement the new building be HVAC efficient and low maintenance. A committee could be elected to handle these concerns.
Snow Shoveling/Vacuum Repair
Debbie asked if there was someone handling snow shoveling. Alvin Kujath is responsible for both the courthouse and library. Debbie will talk with Dayna. Steve will be the contact for any vacuum issues.
Sidewalk Safety
There is a gap between the sidewalk and lawn which could cause a child/adult to fall. Steve agreed to apply filler.
Library Foundation Friends of the Library Representative
Elton agreed to replace Melinda as the Friends of the Library Representative on the Meagher County Library Foundation Board.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2012, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict