MONDAY, MAY 20, 2013
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to approve April 9, 2013 meeting minutes as presented with the following corrections:
Change: “It is believed the sewer smell which closed the library for two days on March 13-14 was a result of wind drying out water in the trap” to “It is believed the sewer smell which closed the library for two days on March 13-14 was due to the vacuum effect created by suction on the sewer line which can dry out sewer traps.”
Change: “A schedule needs to be maintained adding water to bathroom and janitor closet traps on a weekly but at a minimum monthly basis” to “Add water to bathroom and janitor closet traps if sewer smell is present.”
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Price of the new water heater was questioned.
Webmaster Update
Alana spoke with Dayna Ogle about her sole proprietorship. A W-9 is needed by the county which Alana will prepare and submit.
Janitor Closet/Office Ventilation
Current need was clarified by Debbie which is one window in the large office area and a roof vent in the janitor closet to provide outside ventilation to both areas. Following discussion, Elton agreed to obtain further estimates for a 14x14 office window and a vented fan suggested with a manual switch which would allow operation on a set timer.
Methane gas was discussed in detail. Steve feels purchase of a methane detector would allow gas to be detected sooner and negate potential problems.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to purchase a methane gas detector whose price does not exceed $200.
Debbie will provide Steve with information Tim Benedict (Forest Safety Officer, Helena National Forest) received at a recent training session; methane gas detectors recommended by Judy Murphy (State of Montana Industrial Hygienist) and David Vingl (Forest Safety Advisor, Lewis and Clark National Forest); and information contained in NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health) and ACGIH (American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists) manuals.
Library Director Evaluation
Debbie’s yearly evaluation was presented. Gretchen was unable to provide input. The board thanked Debbie for her work at the library. A simpler, less cumbersome form was suggested.
FY13/14 Budget
Appoint Committee
Steve will replace Elton on the budget committee. The committee will consist of Leone, Gordon and Steve.
Discuss Priorities
Detailed discussion of budget priorities was tabled until next meeting in order to receive Leone’s input.
Lawn Care
The lawn was fertilized. Debbie asked if the lawn could be trimmed in addition to being mowed. She did a quick last minute mow/trim job prior to Montana State Library and Institute of Museum and Library Services personnel visit to the library.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2013, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2013
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to approve April 9, 2013 meeting minutes as presented with the following corrections:
Change: “It is believed the sewer smell which closed the library for two days on March 13-14 was a result of wind drying out water in the trap” to “It is believed the sewer smell which closed the library for two days on March 13-14 was due to the vacuum effect created by suction on the sewer line which can dry out sewer traps.”
Change: “A schedule needs to be maintained adding water to bathroom and janitor closet traps on a weekly but at a minimum monthly basis” to “Add water to bathroom and janitor closet traps if sewer smell is present.”
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Price of the new water heater was questioned.
Webmaster Update
Alana spoke with Dayna Ogle about her sole proprietorship. A W-9 is needed by the county which Alana will prepare and submit.
Janitor Closet/Office Ventilation
Current need was clarified by Debbie which is one window in the large office area and a roof vent in the janitor closet to provide outside ventilation to both areas. Following discussion, Elton agreed to obtain further estimates for a 14x14 office window and a vented fan suggested with a manual switch which would allow operation on a set timer.
Methane gas was discussed in detail. Steve feels purchase of a methane detector would allow gas to be detected sooner and negate potential problems.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to purchase a methane gas detector whose price does not exceed $200.
Debbie will provide Steve with information Tim Benedict (Forest Safety Officer, Helena National Forest) received at a recent training session; methane gas detectors recommended by Judy Murphy (State of Montana Industrial Hygienist) and David Vingl (Forest Safety Advisor, Lewis and Clark National Forest); and information contained in NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health) and ACGIH (American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists) manuals.
Library Director Evaluation
Debbie’s yearly evaluation was presented. Gretchen was unable to provide input. The board thanked Debbie for her work at the library. A simpler, less cumbersome form was suggested.
FY13/14 Budget
Appoint Committee
Steve will replace Elton on the budget committee. The committee will consist of Leone, Gordon and Steve.
Discuss Priorities
Detailed discussion of budget priorities was tabled until next meeting in order to receive Leone’s input.
Lawn Care
The lawn was fertilized. Debbie asked if the lawn could be trimmed in addition to being mowed. She did a quick last minute mow/trim job prior to Montana State Library and Institute of Museum and Library Services personnel visit to the library.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2013, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict