March Board Meeting Minutes
Library Board Meeting
March, 8, 2011, 6:00 p.m., Library
Attendees: Library Director Debbie Benedict and Library Board Members Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks and Elton Lee. Board member Mari Johnston-Hamm was unable to attend. Public participants were Melinda Vennard and J. R. Shinabarger.
The meeting opened at 5:54 p.m.
February 15, 2010 meeting minutes stand approved as presented.
Steve Hicks made the motion to approve bills as presented for payment. Leone Michalec seconded and the motion carried.
Proposed Foundation By-Laws
Gordon, Mari and Leone are scheduled to meet Thursday, March 10, to draft by-laws.
HVAC Maintenance
J. R. Shinabarger was asked to change HVAC air filters. In response, he submitted a letter to the library board and director.
J. R. attended the board meeting to share his thoughts concerning the HVAC system. He recommends the library board take the following direction:
1. Contract with A. T. Klemens in Great Falls to provide professional maintenance (someone licensed and
trained in HVAC he feels is important) of the library HVAC system at an
estimated bi-yearly routine maintenance charge of $1000 (spring and fall) which
includes filter replacement.
2. Install locks on thermostats preventing unauthorized change of settings – Library Director would maintain the
J. R. is making these recommendations “since no one here has the equipment to do this safely this seems to be the best solution.”
Discussion followed. Mileage rate, emergency availability and keeping business local were items considered. Larry Johnson was appointed to service the library’s HVAC system. Steve Hicks will serve as backup in Larry’s absence. In the future, a third person can be named as a backup, if needed. There will be no formal contract. Gordon will let J. R. know the board’s decision. HVAC air filters, which have not been replaced since October 2009, are a priority for Larry to take care of.
Gerry Massee Diorama
Prior to the meeting, Gordon, Leone, Steve and Elton visited Gerry Massee’s shop to view the railroad diorama he wishes to donate to the library. The library is unable to commit to permanent display of the diorama. A possibility to include in the new library design is a 20-foot space dedicated to revolving displays.
Elton Lee made the motion to encourage Gerry to give the diorama on loan to Harlowtown with the option of sharing it with the library in the future. Steve Hicks seconded and the motion carried.
Revisions to Proposed Library Board By-Laws
Corrections to proposed by-laws were stated. Leone will incorporate corrections and finalize the by-laws for review at next month’s meeting.
Backroom Wall Repair
Gordon talked with Bob Rooney about the situation. No one has been to the library to check on the situation. Gordon will visit a second time with Bob.
HOPA Mountain
The library will not participate in HOPA Mountain’s early literacy program unless requested reporting requirements are waived in writing.
Friends of the Library Report
Melinda Vennard read the Friends of the Library report which is on file at the library.
Long Range and Short Range Goals
The library’s philosophy was briefly discussed. Debbie will write short-term goals for the library for review at next month’s meeting. All agreed the long term goal is to build a new library.
Library Mission Statement
The current mission statement is too lengthy. Debbie will write a shortened version for review at next month’s meeting.
Review of Conduct Policy Draft
Debbie will have a draft of our library policy prepared for next month’s meeting. Sexual impropriety was discussed as was Title 5 – Crimes Section of Montana Code Annotated.
Book Budget
To continue to buy books will overspend this fiscal year’s 322 Library Administration Book account. The board approved continued purchase of books to be charged to the 322 account.
Bank of the Rockies Signature Card-DWJ
The Donald W. Johnston Memorial Library Trust Fund account is held at Bank of the Rockies. A signature card is required to authorize transactions on the account.
Steve Hicks made the motion that Mari Johnston-Hamm be added as a signer on the signature card for the Donald W. Johnston Memorial Library Trust Fund. Elton Lee seconded and the motion carried.
Alana Brunckhorst
Debbie informed the board of a phone call from Alana inquiring about volunteering on a professional capacity at the library to fulfill requirements of her Master’s of Library Science degree. Debbie will make arrangements to utilize Alana in a volunteer capacity for the summer reading program and additional work assignments as time allows.
Librarian Report
Two replacement computers have been ordered. Jim Semmelroth plans to be at the library on Saturday, April 2 to install machines and take care of computer maintenance needs. The Librarian Report is on file at the library.
The next board meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2011, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
Leone Michalec made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Steve Hicks seconded and the motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
March, 8, 2011, 6:00 p.m., Library
Attendees: Library Director Debbie Benedict and Library Board Members Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks and Elton Lee. Board member Mari Johnston-Hamm was unable to attend. Public participants were Melinda Vennard and J. R. Shinabarger.
The meeting opened at 5:54 p.m.
February 15, 2010 meeting minutes stand approved as presented.
Steve Hicks made the motion to approve bills as presented for payment. Leone Michalec seconded and the motion carried.
Proposed Foundation By-Laws
Gordon, Mari and Leone are scheduled to meet Thursday, March 10, to draft by-laws.
HVAC Maintenance
J. R. Shinabarger was asked to change HVAC air filters. In response, he submitted a letter to the library board and director.
J. R. attended the board meeting to share his thoughts concerning the HVAC system. He recommends the library board take the following direction:
1. Contract with A. T. Klemens in Great Falls to provide professional maintenance (someone licensed and
trained in HVAC he feels is important) of the library HVAC system at an
estimated bi-yearly routine maintenance charge of $1000 (spring and fall) which
includes filter replacement.
2. Install locks on thermostats preventing unauthorized change of settings – Library Director would maintain the
J. R. is making these recommendations “since no one here has the equipment to do this safely this seems to be the best solution.”
Discussion followed. Mileage rate, emergency availability and keeping business local were items considered. Larry Johnson was appointed to service the library’s HVAC system. Steve Hicks will serve as backup in Larry’s absence. In the future, a third person can be named as a backup, if needed. There will be no formal contract. Gordon will let J. R. know the board’s decision. HVAC air filters, which have not been replaced since October 2009, are a priority for Larry to take care of.
Gerry Massee Diorama
Prior to the meeting, Gordon, Leone, Steve and Elton visited Gerry Massee’s shop to view the railroad diorama he wishes to donate to the library. The library is unable to commit to permanent display of the diorama. A possibility to include in the new library design is a 20-foot space dedicated to revolving displays.
Elton Lee made the motion to encourage Gerry to give the diorama on loan to Harlowtown with the option of sharing it with the library in the future. Steve Hicks seconded and the motion carried.
Revisions to Proposed Library Board By-Laws
Corrections to proposed by-laws were stated. Leone will incorporate corrections and finalize the by-laws for review at next month’s meeting.
Backroom Wall Repair
Gordon talked with Bob Rooney about the situation. No one has been to the library to check on the situation. Gordon will visit a second time with Bob.
HOPA Mountain
The library will not participate in HOPA Mountain’s early literacy program unless requested reporting requirements are waived in writing.
Friends of the Library Report
Melinda Vennard read the Friends of the Library report which is on file at the library.
Long Range and Short Range Goals
The library’s philosophy was briefly discussed. Debbie will write short-term goals for the library for review at next month’s meeting. All agreed the long term goal is to build a new library.
Library Mission Statement
The current mission statement is too lengthy. Debbie will write a shortened version for review at next month’s meeting.
Review of Conduct Policy Draft
Debbie will have a draft of our library policy prepared for next month’s meeting. Sexual impropriety was discussed as was Title 5 – Crimes Section of Montana Code Annotated.
Book Budget
To continue to buy books will overspend this fiscal year’s 322 Library Administration Book account. The board approved continued purchase of books to be charged to the 322 account.
Bank of the Rockies Signature Card-DWJ
The Donald W. Johnston Memorial Library Trust Fund account is held at Bank of the Rockies. A signature card is required to authorize transactions on the account.
Steve Hicks made the motion that Mari Johnston-Hamm be added as a signer on the signature card for the Donald W. Johnston Memorial Library Trust Fund. Elton Lee seconded and the motion carried.
Alana Brunckhorst
Debbie informed the board of a phone call from Alana inquiring about volunteering on a professional capacity at the library to fulfill requirements of her Master’s of Library Science degree. Debbie will make arrangements to utilize Alana in a volunteer capacity for the summer reading program and additional work assignments as time allows.
Librarian Report
Two replacement computers have been ordered. Jim Semmelroth plans to be at the library on Saturday, April 2 to install machines and take care of computer maintenance needs. The Librarian Report is on file at the library.
The next board meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2011, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
Leone Michalec made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Steve Hicks seconded and the motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict