ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve June 11, 2013 meeting and June 25, 2013 Budget Committee meeting minutes as presented.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Janitor Closet/Office Ventilation
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to authorize Steve and Elton to move forward and solve the issue with ventilation in the janitor closet and office area.
Outside Water Faucet Repair
Gordon agreed to look at the situation and talk with Steve and Elton if needed.
“Old Ringling House” Painting
Gordon will take the Certificate of Authenticity to the County Commissioners for signing, ensure the original is affixed to the painting, and provide a copy to Debbie to place in library files.
FY13/14 Budget
Leone provided an update on the library budget.
Gordon provided an update on the Library Foundation including sharing the idea of placing a sign on the property which can be seen from the highway stating “Future Building Site for New Library” and including a website where donations can be made. This idea will be discussed at the fall meeting of the Library Foundation.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to increase the Library Director and short-term worker salaries.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve the FY13/14 budget submitted to the courthouse.
Elect Chair and Vice-Chair, FY13/14
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried that Gordon remain Chair, Leone Vice-Chair, and Elton as Broad Valleys Federation representative.
Outside Electrical Outlet
Steve will see if the breaker can be turned off to the electrical outlet located outside the back entrance to the library. It may be necessary to install a cover with lock over the outlet.
Air Purifiers
A long-term solution is being sought to provide ventilation throughout the entire library building. Air purifiers, suggested by Linda Banks, are a short-term solution to be considered only if other plans are unsuccessful in resolving the situation.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve June 11, 2013 meeting and June 25, 2013 Budget Committee meeting minutes as presented.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Janitor Closet/Office Ventilation
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to authorize Steve and Elton to move forward and solve the issue with ventilation in the janitor closet and office area.
Outside Water Faucet Repair
Gordon agreed to look at the situation and talk with Steve and Elton if needed.
“Old Ringling House” Painting
Gordon will take the Certificate of Authenticity to the County Commissioners for signing, ensure the original is affixed to the painting, and provide a copy to Debbie to place in library files.
FY13/14 Budget
Leone provided an update on the library budget.
Gordon provided an update on the Library Foundation including sharing the idea of placing a sign on the property which can be seen from the highway stating “Future Building Site for New Library” and including a website where donations can be made. This idea will be discussed at the fall meeting of the Library Foundation.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to increase the Library Director and short-term worker salaries.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to approve the FY13/14 budget submitted to the courthouse.
Elect Chair and Vice-Chair, FY13/14
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried that Gordon remain Chair, Leone Vice-Chair, and Elton as Broad Valleys Federation representative.
Outside Electrical Outlet
Steve will see if the breaker can be turned off to the electrical outlet located outside the back entrance to the library. It may be necessary to install a cover with lock over the outlet.
Air Purifiers
A long-term solution is being sought to provide ventilation throughout the entire library building. Air purifiers, suggested by Linda Banks, are a short-term solution to be considered only if other plans are unsuccessful in resolving the situation.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict