TUESDAY, JULY, 10, 2012
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks,
Elton Lee, Gretchen Rader
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone and unanimously carried to approve June 12, 2012 meeting minutes as presented.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
It was then moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment with the exception of the water bill.
Sidewalk Repair
Steve was able to talk with Todd Young who apologized for not being available. In the interim, he talked with Larry Berg who would be available approximately July 15 and estimated the job to cost $400-500 @ $67/hour which does not include breakout/removal of concrete or the cost of the replacement concrete. Larry recommends the city knock out the concrete with their backhoe and to have Mikesell Sales and Service bill the library direct to save money. Discussed were other options available to deal with the concrete, i.e., using Triangle equipment or county equipment. Steve agreed to contact Mayor Theriault and Gordon agreed to talk with county personnel, if needed. Once the concrete is removed, a decision will be made on who is hired to finish the sidewalk repair.
Solar Lights
Gordon has ordered the lights, which are on backorder. The cost is $39 per light. He will install the lights once received.
June Water Bill
Last summer Triangle broke the library’s sprinkler system pipe, which they repaired. This same pipe burst on a Saturday causing the June water bill to show water usage of 217,070 gallons at a cost of $513.51. Debbie will contact Tim Barth to ask if he will contact Triangle about payment of the water bill. If not, Gordon will speak with Triangle. Steve and Elton both asked to have a key to the library for emergency use. Debbie will take care of this.
Tar Situation
Visitors to the library have been stepping in tar, which is ruining the soles of their shoes. Tar has been tracked in throughout the library, on carpeting and computer furniture. Debbie received complaints it has been tracked on carpeting inside of homes. Sand was placed over the tar to no avail. Gordon agreed to talk with Mayor Theriault about a workable solution.
Montana State Library/Washington Foundation Ready2Read PlaySpace Grant
Shelving will be required to house the wooden blocks the library will be receiving. Elton is willing to build shelving, if the budget allows for this extra cost.
Library Accident/No Parking Signs
Debbie relayed her conversation with Rocky about placement of no parking signs to avert any further accidents caused by people leaving the library parking lot. Gordon agreed to talk with Mayor Theriault about the situation.
First Aid for Library Employees
Action on this is tabled until Gretchen finds out the winter schedule for first aid training. It will be a requirement for short-term workers and optional for volunteers.
Election of Officers
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to elect Gordon as library board Chair for another year.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to elect Leone as library board Vice-Chair.
Library Closure
It was moved by Leone and seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to close the library Wednesday, July 11, at 7:00 p.m. for participation in the Museum of the Rockies StarLab at the grade school.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
TUESDAY, JULY, 10, 2012
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks,
Elton Lee, Gretchen Rader
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone and unanimously carried to approve June 12, 2012 meeting minutes as presented.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
It was then moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment with the exception of the water bill.
Sidewalk Repair
Steve was able to talk with Todd Young who apologized for not being available. In the interim, he talked with Larry Berg who would be available approximately July 15 and estimated the job to cost $400-500 @ $67/hour which does not include breakout/removal of concrete or the cost of the replacement concrete. Larry recommends the city knock out the concrete with their backhoe and to have Mikesell Sales and Service bill the library direct to save money. Discussed were other options available to deal with the concrete, i.e., using Triangle equipment or county equipment. Steve agreed to contact Mayor Theriault and Gordon agreed to talk with county personnel, if needed. Once the concrete is removed, a decision will be made on who is hired to finish the sidewalk repair.
Solar Lights
Gordon has ordered the lights, which are on backorder. The cost is $39 per light. He will install the lights once received.
June Water Bill
Last summer Triangle broke the library’s sprinkler system pipe, which they repaired. This same pipe burst on a Saturday causing the June water bill to show water usage of 217,070 gallons at a cost of $513.51. Debbie will contact Tim Barth to ask if he will contact Triangle about payment of the water bill. If not, Gordon will speak with Triangle. Steve and Elton both asked to have a key to the library for emergency use. Debbie will take care of this.
Tar Situation
Visitors to the library have been stepping in tar, which is ruining the soles of their shoes. Tar has been tracked in throughout the library, on carpeting and computer furniture. Debbie received complaints it has been tracked on carpeting inside of homes. Sand was placed over the tar to no avail. Gordon agreed to talk with Mayor Theriault about a workable solution.
Montana State Library/Washington Foundation Ready2Read PlaySpace Grant
Shelving will be required to house the wooden blocks the library will be receiving. Elton is willing to build shelving, if the budget allows for this extra cost.
Library Accident/No Parking Signs
Debbie relayed her conversation with Rocky about placement of no parking signs to avert any further accidents caused by people leaving the library parking lot. Gordon agreed to talk with Mayor Theriault about the situation.
First Aid for Library Employees
Action on this is tabled until Gretchen finds out the winter schedule for first aid training. It will be a requirement for short-term workers and optional for volunteers.
Election of Officers
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to elect Gordon as library board Chair for another year.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to elect Leone as library board Vice-Chair.
Library Closure
It was moved by Leone and seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to close the library Wednesday, July 11, at 7:00 p.m. for participation in the Museum of the Rockies StarLab at the grade school.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict