February Board Meeting Minutes
Library Board Meeting
February 15, 2011, 6:00 p.m., Library
Attendees: Library Director Debbie Benedict and Library Board Members Gordon Doig, Mari Johnston-Hamm, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks and Elton Lee. There were no visitors.
The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.
It was moved, seconded and carried to amend January 11, 2011 meeting minutes eliminating, “It was moved, seconded and carried to approve bills for payment.”
It was moved, seconded and carried to approve last month’s bills for payment.
It was moved, seconded and carried to approve this month’s bills for payment.
Action Taken on Public Library Standards
The library complies with local laws regarding handicap accessibility.
The major building facility shortcoming was the sinking back room which has been repaired.
A revision of library bylaws was presented for review prior to next month’s board meeting.
Information on how to access Montana State Library’s Online Statistics Center was provided to encourage online review of the library’s year-to-year progress and performance.
Proposed Foundation By-Laws
Gordon, Mari and Leone are on the committee to write foundation by-laws. Gordon directed Mari to choose a date for the group to meet.
Library Director Evaluation
Debbie was provided with a written copy of her evaluation which she will sign and deliver to the county courthouse for inclusion in her personnel file. The Library Director will be rated on a yearly basis each January with advance notice given on the November agenda. An evaluation form pertinent to a small library will be researched.
Hopa Mountain Storymakers
Debbie explained reporting requirements which preclude the library from continued participation in this program. Board books provided will be returned.
Backroom Use
Conduct guidelines for use of the backroom were discussed. Consensus is for the room to be a quiet area with no unsupervised children allowed. Library policies will be written, reviewed and adopted, the first of which will be rules of conduct in the library. 2
HVAC Maintenance
The HVAC system has been closely monitored this past month. Elton summarized Items addressed and action taken. Ventilation of the utility room and adjacent office via bathroom fans will be discontinued. Fan operation is causing negative pressure on the building and contributing to a high heat bill. Larry Johnson billed only a portion of time spent troubleshooting the HVAC problems.
HVAC filters were discussed. Two boxes of filters are located in the storage room; however, no filters have been changed since the library closure October 2009. Debbie will ask JR Shinabarger to change all filters this month after which scheduled filter replacement is to occur on a quarterly basis throughout the calendar year.
Appointment of Library Board Vice-Chair
It was moved, seconded, and approved to elect Mari Johnston-Hamm Library Board Vice- Chair to a partial term continuing through June 30, 2011.
Adjustment of Board Member Terms
Leone presented corrections to library board terms. Debbie will prepare letters to correct Steve and Elton’s board terms for Gordon’s signature.
Broad Valleys Federation Library Board Delegate
Library by-laws require a board member be designated to attend Broad Valleys Federation meetings.
It was moved, seconded and approved to elect Elton Lee as Broad Valleys library board delegate to a partial term continuing through June 30, 2011.
Gerry Massee Diorama/Shelving Thank You
Gerry has constructed a diorama depicting early railroad years in White Sulphur Springs. He would like to donate this for inclusion in a future new library. Gordon will call Gerry to set up an appointment thirty minutes prior to next month’s meeting for the board to look at the diorama. It was agreed a $100 Power Townsend gift certificate be included in Gerry’s thank you card for his work on backroom shelving.
Rehire of Short-Term Worker
It was moved, seconded and approved to rehire Melinda Vennard as a short-term worker commencing March 26, 2011.
Spring Training Schedule/Claims Reimbursement
Debbie presented dates and costs of scheduled spring training. She gave the board copies of the new county policy regarding travel and per diem. In the past, the library board approved Debbie’s travel claim form prior to training which provided money to pay gas and motel costs. A travel advance will no longer be approved instead Debbie will pay all travel costs and submit a claim for reimbursement upon completion of training. 3
Backroom Repair
Two areas are in need of repair on backroom walls. Gordon will contact Bob Rooney to schedule the repair.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided the board with copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library. Preparation of a library mission statement and development of short and long-range goals for the library was suggested. This will be included on next month’s agenda.
The next board meeting will be March 8, 2011, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
February 15, 2011, 6:00 p.m., Library
Attendees: Library Director Debbie Benedict and Library Board Members Gordon Doig, Mari Johnston-Hamm, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks and Elton Lee. There were no visitors.
The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.
It was moved, seconded and carried to amend January 11, 2011 meeting minutes eliminating, “It was moved, seconded and carried to approve bills for payment.”
It was moved, seconded and carried to approve last month’s bills for payment.
It was moved, seconded and carried to approve this month’s bills for payment.
Action Taken on Public Library Standards
The library complies with local laws regarding handicap accessibility.
The major building facility shortcoming was the sinking back room which has been repaired.
A revision of library bylaws was presented for review prior to next month’s board meeting.
Information on how to access Montana State Library’s Online Statistics Center was provided to encourage online review of the library’s year-to-year progress and performance.
Proposed Foundation By-Laws
Gordon, Mari and Leone are on the committee to write foundation by-laws. Gordon directed Mari to choose a date for the group to meet.
Library Director Evaluation
Debbie was provided with a written copy of her evaluation which she will sign and deliver to the county courthouse for inclusion in her personnel file. The Library Director will be rated on a yearly basis each January with advance notice given on the November agenda. An evaluation form pertinent to a small library will be researched.
Hopa Mountain Storymakers
Debbie explained reporting requirements which preclude the library from continued participation in this program. Board books provided will be returned.
Backroom Use
Conduct guidelines for use of the backroom were discussed. Consensus is for the room to be a quiet area with no unsupervised children allowed. Library policies will be written, reviewed and adopted, the first of which will be rules of conduct in the library. 2
HVAC Maintenance
The HVAC system has been closely monitored this past month. Elton summarized Items addressed and action taken. Ventilation of the utility room and adjacent office via bathroom fans will be discontinued. Fan operation is causing negative pressure on the building and contributing to a high heat bill. Larry Johnson billed only a portion of time spent troubleshooting the HVAC problems.
HVAC filters were discussed. Two boxes of filters are located in the storage room; however, no filters have been changed since the library closure October 2009. Debbie will ask JR Shinabarger to change all filters this month after which scheduled filter replacement is to occur on a quarterly basis throughout the calendar year.
Appointment of Library Board Vice-Chair
It was moved, seconded, and approved to elect Mari Johnston-Hamm Library Board Vice- Chair to a partial term continuing through June 30, 2011.
Adjustment of Board Member Terms
Leone presented corrections to library board terms. Debbie will prepare letters to correct Steve and Elton’s board terms for Gordon’s signature.
Broad Valleys Federation Library Board Delegate
Library by-laws require a board member be designated to attend Broad Valleys Federation meetings.
It was moved, seconded and approved to elect Elton Lee as Broad Valleys library board delegate to a partial term continuing through June 30, 2011.
Gerry Massee Diorama/Shelving Thank You
Gerry has constructed a diorama depicting early railroad years in White Sulphur Springs. He would like to donate this for inclusion in a future new library. Gordon will call Gerry to set up an appointment thirty minutes prior to next month’s meeting for the board to look at the diorama. It was agreed a $100 Power Townsend gift certificate be included in Gerry’s thank you card for his work on backroom shelving.
Rehire of Short-Term Worker
It was moved, seconded and approved to rehire Melinda Vennard as a short-term worker commencing March 26, 2011.
Spring Training Schedule/Claims Reimbursement
Debbie presented dates and costs of scheduled spring training. She gave the board copies of the new county policy regarding travel and per diem. In the past, the library board approved Debbie’s travel claim form prior to training which provided money to pay gas and motel costs. A travel advance will no longer be approved instead Debbie will pay all travel costs and submit a claim for reimbursement upon completion of training. 3
Backroom Repair
Two areas are in need of repair on backroom walls. Gordon will contact Bob Rooney to schedule the repair.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided the board with copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library. Preparation of a library mission statement and development of short and long-range goals for the library was suggested. This will be included on next month’s agenda.
The next board meeting will be March 8, 2011, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict