ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks,
Elton Lee, Gretchen Rader
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to approve December 11, 2012 meeting minutes with the following correction:
“It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to allow Debbie to find and purchase a replacement printer, which will be charged to the library’s print 320 account.”
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Gretchen, and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
There was discussion as to why the NorthWestern Energy has remained high. This could possibly be related to a malfunction in the heat pump. Elton will contact Larry and check out the situation.
Library Budget
Debbie and Leone reviewed the library budget in detail, discussing projection for each line item. Excess amount in postage (due to moving material via courier) can supplement deficits in supply and travel. Debbie will make changes to the accounting slip attached to library donations going to the courthouse to attempt to alleviate future posting errors for monies received for the Donald W. Johnston Memorial Library Trust Fund. City tax revenues had not been forwarded since November. After Leone spoke with Shelly, revenues were submitted.
Open Meeting Law
Debbie provided the board with a written overview of open meeting laws prepared for libraries by Tracy Cook, Montana State Library.
Library Foundation
The Foundation Board plans to participate in a meeting via Skype with Jane Ratzlaff, capital campaign consultant and Candace Miller on February 26, 2013 at 2 p.m.
Broad Valleys Federation Meeting
Elton agreed to continue as the Meagher County City Library board representative for Broad Valleys Federation and plans to attend the meeting in Butte on March 1-2.
Library Director Certification
Debbie was last certified by Montana State Library March 23, 2007 and is required to apply for re-certification. Gordon signed her application form, which includes continuing education documentation, for submission to Montana State Library. She has earned credit hours in Library Administration (70.5), Collection Management and Technical Services (25.5), Library Services to the Public (32), and Technology (26.5) which qualifies her as a Library Administrator with specializations in each of the other three categories.
Spring Training/Meeting Schedule
Debbie provided the board with a schedule of upcoming training/meetings and updated them on library coverage during her absence.
Short-Term Worker Status
Alana has been working each Thursday but accepted a position at Glacier Public Library. Jill will replace Alana working at the library on Thursdays.
Alana agreed to continue posting information to the library website. She plans to submit a monthly bill for payment. Further details will be discussed at next month’s meeting.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Board Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2013, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks,
Elton Lee, Gretchen Rader
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to approve December 11, 2012 meeting minutes with the following correction:
“It was moved by Steve, seconded by Leone, and unanimously carried to allow Debbie to find and purchase a replacement printer, which will be charged to the library’s print 320 account.”
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Gretchen, and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
There was discussion as to why the NorthWestern Energy has remained high. This could possibly be related to a malfunction in the heat pump. Elton will contact Larry and check out the situation.
Library Budget
Debbie and Leone reviewed the library budget in detail, discussing projection for each line item. Excess amount in postage (due to moving material via courier) can supplement deficits in supply and travel. Debbie will make changes to the accounting slip attached to library donations going to the courthouse to attempt to alleviate future posting errors for monies received for the Donald W. Johnston Memorial Library Trust Fund. City tax revenues had not been forwarded since November. After Leone spoke with Shelly, revenues were submitted.
Open Meeting Law
Debbie provided the board with a written overview of open meeting laws prepared for libraries by Tracy Cook, Montana State Library.
Library Foundation
The Foundation Board plans to participate in a meeting via Skype with Jane Ratzlaff, capital campaign consultant and Candace Miller on February 26, 2013 at 2 p.m.
Broad Valleys Federation Meeting
Elton agreed to continue as the Meagher County City Library board representative for Broad Valleys Federation and plans to attend the meeting in Butte on March 1-2.
Library Director Certification
Debbie was last certified by Montana State Library March 23, 2007 and is required to apply for re-certification. Gordon signed her application form, which includes continuing education documentation, for submission to Montana State Library. She has earned credit hours in Library Administration (70.5), Collection Management and Technical Services (25.5), Library Services to the Public (32), and Technology (26.5) which qualifies her as a Library Administrator with specializations in each of the other three categories.
Spring Training/Meeting Schedule
Debbie provided the board with a schedule of upcoming training/meetings and updated them on library coverage during her absence.
Short-Term Worker Status
Alana has been working each Thursday but accepted a position at Glacier Public Library. Jill will replace Alana working at the library on Thursdays.
Alana agreed to continue posting information to the library website. She plans to submit a monthly bill for payment. Further details will be discussed at next month’s meeting.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library.
Date of Next Board Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2013, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict