ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to approve March 13, 2012 meeting minutes as presented.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Harlowton Bill for Sign Material
Debbie will call Harlowton High School to request a bill be sent. Gordon located solar lights which could be attached to the library sign’s 4x4. No decision was made on whether to purchase the lights.
Library Board Vacancy
Debbie will ask Jason to print a 2x2 newspaper ad on April 19 and May 3. Applications will be due by close of business May 8, 2012.
Library Maintenance
1) Parents and children attending the Books for Babies program on Wednesday mornings enter the library using the back door entrance. Debbie expressed concern about the sidewalk ice situation which periodically exists depending on the weather. Recently, prior to the program, a large piece of cardboard was placed over the ice and sand was scattered in the area; however, one child fell and slid on the ice. The street can also be solid ice where mothers (one of which is pregnant) are exiting their vehicles to enter the building. Solutions were discussed and it was agreed to have Elton speak with Todd Young about the situation.
2) On February 17, 2012, Steve repaired the hallway air vent and replaced the air filter. The roof air filter was last replaced April 25, 2011 by Larry Johnson. Debbie asked that the roof air filter be changed. Following discussion all agreed that Larry Johnson could do this and Elton agreed to contact Larry.
3) Ants are beginning to enter the library. Debbie expressed concern about using ant spray indoors because toddlers like to play on the floor in the area where spray would be applied. Library workers have also expressed concern about using ant spray indoors. Gordon agreed to spray outside along the foundation.
4) There is no one designated to mow/trim the library lawn and the lawnmower will not start. Gordon will contact Alvin Kujath about lawn care and check on the lawnmower situation.
MontanaLibrary2Go Invoice
The $437.00 invoice is due April 20, 2011. The invoice will be paid from 2220.000.248.460110.330 (LIB ADM PUB/DUES) even though this will create a deficit in this account.
Library Finances Trustee Workshop
Debbie will register herself and Leone to attend the Lewistown workshop on May 24.
Library Director Evaluation
Library by-laws specify a yearly evaluation be completed. Leone gave everyone a copy of last year’s evaluation. Each board member will return a completed evaluation to Gordon by April 30. Debbie will include the Library Director Evaluation on next month’s meeting agenda.
FY-2013 Budget
It is time to begin work on the FY-2013 library budget. Gordon, Leone and Elton worked on last year’s budget. Following discussion:
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried that Gordon, Leone and Steve be on the FY2013 budget committee.
Debbie will include setting a budget committee meeting date on next month’s agenda.
Library Goals
Library goals adopted April 12, 2011 were reviewed.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to readopt April 12, 2011 mission statement and goals.
Debbie will ask Alana to update the website with this information.
Library Brochure
A revised library brochure was given to each for approval. Leone suggested a new picture of the library to reflect the paint job and new sign. Gordon will take the brochure to Jason at the Meagher County News and request an estimate of printing costs.
Library Foundation
The need to appoint an additional foundation director was explained.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library. She gave a progress report on MontanaLibrary2Go. Patrons have received help downloading books onto Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle Fire, Barnes & Noble Nook, I-Pod, Android Smartphone, and I-pad.
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for May 8, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict
ATTENDANCE: Library Trustees: Gordon Doig, Leone Michalec, Steve Hicks, Elton Lee
Library Director: Debbie Benedict
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Meagher County City Library.
It was moved by Steve, seconded by Elton and unanimously carried to approve March 13, 2012 meeting minutes as presented.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented for payment.
Harlowton Bill for Sign Material
Debbie will call Harlowton High School to request a bill be sent. Gordon located solar lights which could be attached to the library sign’s 4x4. No decision was made on whether to purchase the lights.
Library Board Vacancy
Debbie will ask Jason to print a 2x2 newspaper ad on April 19 and May 3. Applications will be due by close of business May 8, 2012.
Library Maintenance
1) Parents and children attending the Books for Babies program on Wednesday mornings enter the library using the back door entrance. Debbie expressed concern about the sidewalk ice situation which periodically exists depending on the weather. Recently, prior to the program, a large piece of cardboard was placed over the ice and sand was scattered in the area; however, one child fell and slid on the ice. The street can also be solid ice where mothers (one of which is pregnant) are exiting their vehicles to enter the building. Solutions were discussed and it was agreed to have Elton speak with Todd Young about the situation.
2) On February 17, 2012, Steve repaired the hallway air vent and replaced the air filter. The roof air filter was last replaced April 25, 2011 by Larry Johnson. Debbie asked that the roof air filter be changed. Following discussion all agreed that Larry Johnson could do this and Elton agreed to contact Larry.
3) Ants are beginning to enter the library. Debbie expressed concern about using ant spray indoors because toddlers like to play on the floor in the area where spray would be applied. Library workers have also expressed concern about using ant spray indoors. Gordon agreed to spray outside along the foundation.
4) There is no one designated to mow/trim the library lawn and the lawnmower will not start. Gordon will contact Alvin Kujath about lawn care and check on the lawnmower situation.
MontanaLibrary2Go Invoice
The $437.00 invoice is due April 20, 2011. The invoice will be paid from 2220.000.248.460110.330 (LIB ADM PUB/DUES) even though this will create a deficit in this account.
Library Finances Trustee Workshop
Debbie will register herself and Leone to attend the Lewistown workshop on May 24.
Library Director Evaluation
Library by-laws specify a yearly evaluation be completed. Leone gave everyone a copy of last year’s evaluation. Each board member will return a completed evaluation to Gordon by April 30. Debbie will include the Library Director Evaluation on next month’s meeting agenda.
FY-2013 Budget
It is time to begin work on the FY-2013 library budget. Gordon, Leone and Elton worked on last year’s budget. Following discussion:
It was moved by Elton, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried that Gordon, Leone and Steve be on the FY2013 budget committee.
Debbie will include setting a budget committee meeting date on next month’s agenda.
Library Goals
Library goals adopted April 12, 2011 were reviewed.
It was moved by Leone, seconded by Steve and unanimously carried to readopt April 12, 2011 mission statement and goals.
Debbie will ask Alana to update the website with this information.
Library Brochure
A revised library brochure was given to each for approval. Leone suggested a new picture of the library to reflect the paint job and new sign. Gordon will take the brochure to Jason at the Meagher County News and request an estimate of printing costs.
Library Foundation
The need to appoint an additional foundation director was explained.
Librarian Report
Debbie provided copies of the Librarian Report, which is on file at the library. She gave a progress report on MontanaLibrary2Go. Patrons have received help downloading books onto Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle Fire, Barnes & Noble Nook, I-Pod, Android Smartphone, and I-pad.
Date of Next Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for May 8, 6:00 p.m. at the library.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Benedict